Sponsor Us

Sustaingineering is a multi-university initiative founded by Dr. Martin Ordonez, holder of the Fred Kaiser Professorship at UBC. We hope to expand our initiatives to other Universities around the world. As we grow, we continue to engage with a community of industry, academic, and non-profit partners to establish lasting sustainable solutions for underprivileged communities

Develop your global presence

Access an outstanding network of engineering students

Support communities in the developing world

We can’t do any of this incredible work without the support of our sponsors both on campus and in industry! As a student design team, we rely heavily on industry partners who value the environment, innovation, and student learning. Together, we can create clean energy solutions that will make a real and lasting impact on societies.

If you feel like we would be a good fit for your sponsorship, please fill out the following form to receive our sponsorship package for more! We graciously accept both cash and many forms of in-kind contributions.

our current sponsors!

A huge thanks to PSIM and Energy Alternatives for their in-kind contributions to our UBC Farm solar-powered irrigation replica project!

Would you like to become a sponsor?

If you would like to become a sponsor, fill out the form below and we will get back to you.